
Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Your 2016 Health Goals: Where has the time gone?

Hello, readers and health seekers!

Hard to believe the year is halfway through, right? Well, a lot has happened that I'm eager to share with you!

As a life coach, I spend a lot of one-on-one with my clients –  building their physical and emotional strength through healthy habits and practices. But regardless of their levels and goals, after following my coaching,  they all notice one thing. Something that has drastically improved their their workouts, their productivity, and their personal lives:

A Boost in Mental Clarity and Energy.  

This is what I'd like to share with you today. How to achieve this by giving up sugar.   


Why give up sugar? A little dessert can’t hurt if I work out, right? 

Well... not according to the Journal of American Dietetic Association:
“…By stimulating the “hedonic pathway” of the brain both directly and indirectly, fructose creates habituation, and possibly dependence... Fructose induces alterations in both hepatic metabolism and central nervous system energy-signaling, leading to a “vicious cycle” of excessive consumption and disease…”
In short: Sugar triggers overeating.

Getting hooked on sugar is the easy part. After a hard work out in the gym, we tell ourselves we deserve a treat, and next thing we know, that treat becomes a habit. Every day, even when we don’t work out. That "just one taste" makes us crave more and more.

Sure, giving up sugar can be a challenge. Especially since we’re confronted with temptation constantly: in advertisements, at restaurants… even through our sense of smell. (Hello, bakeries!)  But I know how. 

Allow me to show you how to:
  • Replace bad cravings for healthy ones
  • Shake free of bingeing and yoyo dieting
  • Improve your health, appearance and mood

I’ll be frank with you. I know how destructive bulimia is because  I had it for several years. Once I recognized that sugar was triggering my eating disorder, I decided I would do anything to stop it. So I quit, cold turkey. 

Don't panic-- it's not as hard as you think! How did I do it? To start, every time I had a temptation, I would walk it off.  

Within 3 days I noticed a reduction in my cravings -- because I had replaced a destructive habit for a healthier one.   

I kicked my cravings and binging to the curb. And I’ve stayed healthy, fit and trim for over 20 years.  And so can you. 

Walking can make you happier than sugar. In fact, scientific research shows that...

"It's possible that (walking) could result in reduced cravings among individuals who eat for emotional reasons. (And) mild exercise can also trigger metabolic processes that make more blood sugar available to the brain, reducing the craving for sugary foods."

Walking increased my energy so much that I signed up for belly dancing to supplement it. And within a few months I went from absolute beginner to a true performer. 

This is what happens when you find the right exercise for you.  My goal is to help you find yours.

Another fun way I've "leveled-up"  is by working in Gravity Training -- a HIIT system, based on the fundamentals of Pilates.  Stay tuned for more about this in my next Blog Post! :)
So, apologies for neglecting this blog for so long. I’ve just been so busy sharing all of this vital info with my clients.  

And now, I’m ready to share it with you! Contact me if you’d like help with: 
  • Healthy Lifetime Habits  – improving mind, spirit and body   
  • Fitness based on your individual needs
  • Better sleep patterns
  • On-going support via phone calls, emails and one-on-one sessions
That’s right: All of my training and coaching involves motivational support, should you need it. I’m here to help you battle the temptations that may have derailed your goals in the past. You won't find that with most coaches.

How it works:
Instead of pushing ones body beyond its limits (which no one can maintain indefinitely), I will teach you how to give to your body what it needs naturally to be healthy: good nutrition and fun exercise that fit your lifestyle and interests. You will look forward to starting each day – because the habits you’ll learn, will make you feel better than you have ever felt.

Your body is meant to do this. You just forgot how  -- or maybe no one ever taught you how. Let’s change that. Together.

Contact info:
Price: $150 per session 

For more info on Gravity Training go to: 

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